It has been nearly a decade since an HBO rant motivated millions of American couch potatoes to actually question the decades-old bipartisan manner which frames the debate of divisive public policy issues. Unfortunately, this particular frame appears to have been permanently mounted- in no small part due to the efforts of corporate media mouthpieces, many of whom have proven links to our national security state.
Obama supporters cringed at mounting civilian casualties caused by drone strikes under President George W. Bush. But apparently they were just as easily distracted by appeals to racial solidarity when Obama murdered a teen from Colorado (in the name of national security), as those who now stand ready to whitewash the violent invasion of the U.S. Capitol… complete with Confederate Battle Flag!
A decade later, and biased media outlets still wallow in comparisons established on fiction, fallacy, and inaccurate reporting. Using these to provide ideological cover for equivocations that bolster flawed arguments, they overwhelm reasonable American viewers with their radical exaggerations. Facts, logic, and reason would serve as infinitely healthier foundations for public discourse, but are increasingly replaced by opinion and inflammatory supposition in the click-bait world of instant outrage.
One might be inclined to dismiss the intentional ignorance of certain members of the U.S. Congress as merely an indication of their weak-willed subservience to vested interests. But when such traits are proudly and publicly exhibited in pursuit of both political power and personal affluence, such displays tend to evoke comparison with Chinese Kabuki theater.
In other words: is the dance itself not the mission? Perhaps the goal here does not reside within the deliberate destruction of democracy, but in the struggle to portray ignominious fools as paragons of virtue, while utterly failing to conceal the rampant narcissism currently threatening the institution itself. If so, then perhaps the limited intellectual capacity of such players, will ultimately serve as the weapon brandished in the final scene of our great comic opera. A big SHOUT-OUT here to the Manchinema!
America is staring down the barrel of fascism courtesy of the same Republican Party that opened up trade with China, moved manufacturing jobs overseas, and reduced taxes on the rich to pre-20th century levels. Meanwhile, the pathetically floundering Democratic Party is busy fighting amongst itself, as ever buoyant party faithful focus on selecting eco-friendly, sustainable fabric swatches for seats at the 2024 convention!
“Christian” leaders now advise flocks to arm for Armageddon, while warning that Democratic politicians are eager to consume the blood of their children in mass orgies. Meanwhile, voices of “moderation” in the Democratic Party regurgitate the same call for bi-partisan cooperation ignored by Luddites and religious fanatics alike. At this point, they flatly label constitutionally-approved conduct as pure Communism!
To paraphrase Pete Seeger: “When will we ever learn?” My answer: Not soon enough.
I do NOT worship Hollywood, and have never been a big Jeff Daniels fan. That having been said, the five minutes spent watching the clip below would be time well-wasted!
If there was a magic word endowed with the power to save us, could it be “Yosemite?”